Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Ladies: Are you a fan of dinner hot and ready when he gets home?

I must say that times are changing and so are the views of young single women.  Tonight I had the pleasure of striking up a conversation with ladies from various backgrounds and ages.  The hot topic of the night was..."Women respect your husbands and submit...that's why your not married yet, you don't know how to treat a man!!"  Uh Oh, we know where this conversation went.  Yes I admit that opinions went flying and everyone had a say!!  But the question we need to be a Susie homemaker to find and keep a man?  This is a question for both the single and married!!!

Single Woman's View
I believe that this day in age, single women look at their role in a relationship very differently from women twice their age.  Today, we as women are the bread winners, mothers, wives, housekeepers, and so much more.  Single women nowadays are wanting men to share the responsibilities of a household, ie. cooking, cleaning, and taking care of potential children.  If I'm wrong ladies let me know!!!  We have no problem respecting our husbands but I think the old "dinner hot and ready when he gets home" has stepped aside to allow "whoever gets home first"!

Married Women
See this is where things get blurry!  I of course am not married so I cannot speak for married women.  This is where I need some help. Do married women still cater to their husbands?  I work with many women in the teaching profession and most of their husbands help out significantly around the house.

What does the bible have to say about this?
There are so many scriptures that can apply to this topic but the one the stands out to me the most is...

Ephesians 5:22: Wives, submit yourselves unto your own husbands, as unto the Lord.  For the Husband is the head of the wife, even as Christ is the head of the church; and he is the savior of the body. Therefore as the church is subject unto Christ, so [let] the wives [be] to their  own husbands in every thing.  Husbands love your wives, even as Christ also loved the church, and gave himself for it;

I know people can take certain parts of this scripture and run with it.  What do they run with?  The submission part!  At first this used to bother me, why would Christ order women to submit.  When I researched what this entailed I found out much more than I ever could have imagined, things that stemmed back to Adam and Eve.  However, I realized one thing.  It is easy for a woman to submit to a man when he has taken his rightful role in the marriage/relationship.  That means he is a provider, and he does what the above says, loves his wife!

I believe that if my husband came home before me he wouldn't just put his feet up and wait for me to get home and start dinner.  If he loved me he would start cooking so I could enjoy a meal when I get home (especially now that I have taken on some of his role as provider).  I also believe that I would do the same.  Submission doesn't mean slavery, it means that you're free to do things for each other.  Am I right?

This day in age women are doing everything, we are filling the role of men something that God never intended.  Therefore, I do not believe that it is easy for us to fill such strict "Susie Homemaker" molds.  I believe that to have a companion you must compromise and meet each other half way according to what is needed in the relationship.

However, if my husband worked all day which afforded me the housewife lifestyle, you best believe this sister will have dinner hot and ready when he gets home!!!


  1. I think submission means different things for everyone. I look at submission as follow my husband "best" judgement when it comes to how run our household. This of course means that their is definite input from me. Shared household I responsibilities are great, but also know that I don't want to do any of the yard work or car maintenance, etc. So some responsibilities will be based on gender and I am fine with that.

  2. All I can say know who I'm married to....

  3. God designed the family with the husband being the head, the wife is his help-meet, and the children...Specific directions are given to all in the bible. Some have interpreted submissiveness to subservience. I feel that all relationships are unique. Everyone has a role to play in the relationship. Husbands shouldn't be too (me man you woman)and wives shouldn't be a mat for someone to walk over. Marriage is a partnership, and both partners should be willing to jump in or support when things arise. I feel that it is my duty to cook. Heck, he washes the dishes! This is a discussion people should have prior to marriage, so that both will know their mutual expectations.
